Professional Plant Supplies specialise in supplying native and exotic trees, shrubs and groundcovers for residential, commercial and Government projects in the ACT and region.

Professional Plant Supplies is owned and operated by local Canberra horticulturist Laurie Cullen
Laurie is an expert in horticulture, providing top quality plants and specialist knowledge to residential, commercial and Government projects.
Laurie and his team source the best native and exotic plants available from his network of growers across Australia. With almost 40 years in the industry, Laurie strives to have EVERY plant delivered to site at the very highest standard. Plants that have the greatest chance of not just surviving but thriving in their new environment.
Contact Laurie to discuss your plant requirements, garden project or supply request.
Our Services
Seasonal Advice
Pittosporums vary greatly however the most popular hedging variety used in Canberra is Pittosporum ‘Silver Sheen’.
Shade can be very useful for keeping plants looking at their best but for some plants the shade can prevent good flowering or fruiting or lead to a misshapen/’leggy’ form.
Canberra soils generally have a high clay content. Clay can be great for water and nutrient retention but can sometimes impede plant growth because of poor drainage.