What are the best times to plant shrubs and trees in Canberra?

What are the best times to plant shrubs and trees in Canberra?

At Professional Plant Supplies we recommend planting 12 months of the year however there are times that are less stressful if you can plan it that way.

Keeping plant stress to a minimum is a good idea and can only help the plants to thrive.

In Spring

September/October/November are great months to plant. The hardest of frosts are hopefully finished and the heat of Summer has not yet begun.

In Summer

A garden planted in Summer in Canberra is definitely possible but requires more vigilance to ensure correct soil moisture is maintained around the root ball of the new plants.

In Autumn

March/April is ideal. The worst of the Summer heat has eased, the soil is still warm and the hard Winter frosts have not yet started.

In Winter

A garden planted in the cold of Winter is definitely possible in Canberra however you need to make sure your plants are frost hardened (or protect them by covering with large pots or other methods in their first Winter).